
National Small Business Week May 5-11

-By Neville Chaney

It’s always interesting to see the credit card companies and other entities celebrate this week each year. As I read those articles, I wonder how many folks who are in larger businesses or who work in small businesses like mine actually THINK about the impact that small business has on our way of life and on our economy.

The healthiest water to drink: Is there such a thing?

By Jacqueline Howard, CNN (REPRINTED FROM CNN)

The science is clear: Staying hydrated and drinking enough water has health benefits.

Hydration can help lubricate and cushion joints, protect sensitive tissues in your body, flush out waste and keep your immune system and even your skin healthy.

Yet when it comes to bottled water, there are several types on the market: spring, purified, mineral, artesian and even alkaline. Is any type best?

What does the Thanksgiving holiday season mean for you?

Prayer, hope, depression, joy, frustration, dialogue. What does the Thanksgiving holiday season mean for you? For many it can mean prayers of thankfulness or hope. With all that is happening in our world today, we may think that at no other time in history were times so blessed – or disappointing. For those in California where their entire lives have been turned upside down you may see despair (from those who have lost everything), to thankfulness (for those who have been spared) to guilt (for some who may feel guilty that they have been so fortunate).

15 Life Lessons From Football That Shouldn't Be Overlooked

Everyone seems to have an opinion of whether we would want our sons, or in my case GRANDSONS, playing football. So much publicity regarding the dangers of head injuries from football (and soccer for that matter) make all of us weigh the benefits. Sports in general prepare us for life as do many other activities that we enjoy (music, drama, etc.), but as a former three-sport athlete and college football player, this article truly struck a cord in me.

The Pricing Dilemma

What’s your price? As you can imagine, this is one of the first questions that is asked. One of the leading office products manufacturers responded recently to charges that their  independent dealers were “up in arms” over the discovery that many of the products that they (and their customers were seeing online) were below the best price that their national buying group had negotiated with them.

10 Questions for Max Bolster

1. What is your best childhood memory?
When I was a kid I used to spend summers at my grandparent’s home in the desert of Southern California. I would help my grandfather water his plants every morning before it got too hot. During the day I would play outside until I couldn’t take the heat anymore. I would go inside to cool off & my grandmother would give me some icecold sun tea. Then I would go back outside again.

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