A special message from Neville Chaney
I am sure that all of you have been inundated with messages of what the folks who you normally do business with and some who you don’t are modifying their business practices as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic. Things have been moving so fast over the past week or so that we have delayed our message, but I wanted to assure all of you that we, like most, are trying to do everything we can to protect our staff, protect our customers and suppliers while continuing to be a resource for you.
Most of our sales reps are contacting customers remotely from their homes since our cloud-based technology allows for us to reach each of you in this fashion. And, because of our classification as an “essential business” (based on our technology and food service industry support status), our operational folks are operating from our corporate headquarters in Boone and two of the members of our furniture team in our Winston-Salem office are also in the office.
As I mentioned, SAFETY is at the forefront of our minds presently. As we deliver your orders, we will comply with your delivery instructions whether it is to place the item(s) in the proper place that you designate or leave it by the door. Our drivers are equipped with nitrile gloves and they change these gloves before each stop. All touch points in our truck are sprayed or wiped multiple times during the day.
Similar practices are being used by our service techs. Each call is preceded by the technician putting on a pair of nitrile gloves before entering your building and disposing of those gloves after he leaves.
At WJ Office our goals have not changed during this crisis. We want to realize that safety for all must be adhered to, providing products and services that our clients need at a fair price, and to keep the economic engine running in the communities that we serve. As you may know, three years ago we entered the food service disposables market (take out boxes, paper plates, plastic utensils, etc.). This part of our business has grown rapidly, and we serve many local and regional coffee shops and restaurants. Take out is now their only source of revenue. Because of the demand a couple of places ran out of product over the weekend, called their rep, and the rep delivered what they needed. We’re here for you.
And lastly, let me say if you can get out, support those folks with picking up some takeout meals. Our locally owned restaurants give a special flavor (pun not intended) to our communities. They will need your support during this time.
Stay safe and God bless each of you!